Why commercial chicken farms should choose Retech equipment?

Maximize your profits with our advanced chicken farming solutions. With our modern chicken raising equipment and comprehensive support, you can increase productivity and yields while improving the welfare of your flock. Our systems are designed for efficiency, with features to optimize feed use, reduce waste and maintain a healthy environment for your chickens. With our help, you can take your chicken farming business to the next level.

In today’s competitive market, commercial chicken farmers face numerous challenges. As consumer demand for poultry products continues to grow, farmers are under increasing pressure to maximize production while ensuring the welfare of their flocks. This is where automation equipment plays a vital role.

Automatic H Type layer cage

Automated chicken equipment offers a range of benefits to commercial chicken farmers. First, it increases productivity. By automating tasks such as feeding, drinking and egg collection, farmers can save time and energy, allowing them to focus on other important aspects of their operations. Increased efficiency ultimately leads to higher output and greater profits.

Retech H-type battery laying hens cage equipment

H-type chicken systems are available in 3 Tiers- to 6 Tiers models. The following are the corresponding breeding volumes of different models. They are suitable for large commercial farms.

battery chicken cage

Model Tiers Doors/set Birds/door Capacity/set Size(L*W*H)mm Area/bird(cm²) Type
RT-LCH3180 3 5 6 180 2250*600*430 450 H
RT-LCH4240 4 5 6 240 2250*600*430 450 H
RT-LCH5300 5 5 6 300 2250*600*430 450 H
RT-LCH6360 6 5 6 360 2250*600*430 450 H

A-type battery chicken cages equipment

A-type poultry breeding systems are available in 3 Tiers and 4 Tiers models.Suitable for 10,000-20,000 poultry breeding scale

A type layer chicken cage

Model Tiers Doors/set Birds/door Capacity/set Size(L*W*H)mm Area/bird(cm²) Type
RT-LCA396 3 4 4 96 1870*370*370 432 A
RT-LCA4128 4 4 4 128 1870*370*370 432 A

In addition to productivity, automated equipment can also improve chicken welfare. Our advanced systems are designed with chicken comfort in mind. Provide a stress-free environment, maintain optimal temperature and ventilation, and ensure a continuous supply of clean water and nutritious feed. With these features, chickens will thrive, resulting in healthier birds and improved product quality.

Another advantage of automated equipment is the ability to optimize feed usage and reduce waste. Our system is equipped with a precise feeding mechanism that distributes the right amount of feed to each chicken, avoiding overfeeding or underfeeding. This not only ensures the health of the flock but also helps reduce costs associated with excessive feed consumption.

In addition, automated egg collection systems can minimize the risk of egg breakage and protect farmers’ profits.

automatic egg collection system

By choosing automation equipment for your commercial chicken farm, you can also contribute to the sustainability of the poultry industry. Our modern poultry equipment is environmentally designed, features energy-efficient operation and minimizes waste generation. By reducing energy consumption and waste, you can lower your farm’s carbon footprint and align your operations with sustainable practices.

In summary, commercial chicken farmers can benefit greatly from choosing automated equipment. At Retech, we are committed to helping our customers take their chicken farming business to the next level by providing them with complete assistance and service. Make the switch to automated equipment today and see the impact it can have on your farm’s profitability and sustainability.

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Post time: Sep-14-2023

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