Types of commercial laying hens.

What are the types of commercial breeds of laying hens?

 According to the color of the eggshell, modern commercial breeds of laying hens are mainly divided into the following 3 types.

 (1) Modern white-shell hens are all derived from single-crowned white Leghorn varieties, and two-line, three-line or four-line hybrid commercial laying hens are produced by breeding different pure lines.

Generally, the sex-linked feathering gene is used to realize the separation of male and female chicks in the commercial generation. This chicken is suitable for intensive cage management.

Common white-shell hen varieties in production include Xingza 288, Babcock B300, Hyland W36, Hyland W98, Roman White, Deca White, Nick White, Jingbai 938, etc.


 (2) The brown-shell layer mainly uses the sex-linked feather color gene to realize the separation of the chicks from male and female.

The most important matching model is to use Luodao Red Chicken (with a small amount of New Hanxia Chicken bloodline) as the male line, and Luodao White Chicken or Bailuoke Chicken and other breeds with accompanying silver genes as the female line. When using the horizontal-spotted gene as self-separation, the Luodao red chicken or other non-cross-spotted chicken breeds (such as Australian black chicken) are used as the male line, and the horizontal-spotted Rock chicken is used as the female line for matching to produce commercial brown-shell eggs. chicken. Common brown-shell hen varieties in production include Hyland brown, Roman brown, Isa, Hessex brown, Nick red and so on.

 (3) Light brown shell (or pink shell) laying hens are chicken breeds produced by crossing light white leger hens and medium brown shell laying hens, so they are used as standard varieties of modern white shell laying hens and brown shell laying hens. Can be used for light brown shell hens. At present, the main use is the Luodao red type chicken as the male line, which is crossed with the female line of the White Leghorn type chicken, and the male and female are separated by using the sex-linked fast and slow feather genes.


 Powder shell laying hens Powder shell laying hens are divided into the following categories according to the supporting production methods:

 Brown-shell hens and white-shell hens are hybrids. Such varieties commonly used in production include Yakang, Xingza 444, Isa powder, Hyland ash, Baowan Sigaolan powder, Roman powder, Hessex powder, Nickel powder, Jingbai 939 and so on.

 The hybrid type between laying hens and other breeds is a hybrid chicken produced by crossing white-shelled or brown-shelled hens with other breeds.

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